Have Some Fun - Sailing Rules Quiz

Have some fun and test your knowledge of the sailing rules, select which test by selecting

And for practice with the rules, Mike Biggs recommends this site:
Note that the rules in several instances require that a skipper have adequate time to react to some change, which means that much of the time it is really a judgment call, and especially so when the situation is presented as a cartoon, where viewers can't tell much about the scale involved. This rules practice site is still excellent, I think.....Mike Biggs

Avoid Collisions

A basic principle for which the rules of sailing are applied is to avoid collisions. They can also be seen as a fundamental tool to guarantee everyone entertainment as part of a sailing race, which includes a departure, a performance and an arrival.

There are general rules that every sailor should keep in mind:

  • Always sail with common sense, safety, and good sportsmanship.
  • Right-of-way is not an excuse to cause a collision. All boats (sailors) are required by rule to avoid a collision if possible.
  • A sailboat in motion shall keep clear of a stopped sailboat.

After finishing your race, keep clear of the course and of other boats still racing.

Play the Rules


Images courtesy of Oli and Wolfi Finckh

Play the Rules Sample

Which boat has right of way?

Answer: Red


When boats are on opposite tacks, a port-tack boat shall keep clear of a starboard-tack boat.

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